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In fact, 2024 may be the most fast-paced—and dangerous—time ever for the creative economy. And that will be true, no matter what happens in November. 事实上,2024年可能是创意经济有史以来节奏最快、最紧张的一年。这将是真的,无论11月发生什么。 So let’s plunge in. I want to tell you why entertainment is dead. And what’s coming to take its place. 我想告诉你为什么娱乐业已经死了。以及即将取代它的东西

The State of the Culture, 2024 - by Ted Gioia
https://www.honest-broker.com/p/the-state-of-the-culture-2024?ref=sentiers.media The State of the Culture, 2024
第223 期Λ-Reading主题:附近和世界



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Studying time “is like holding a snowflake in your hands: gradually, as you study it, it melts between your fingers and vanishes.” 学习时间“就像手里拿着一片雪花:慢慢地,当你学习它的时候,它在你的指缝间融化消失了。

Forget Everything You Think You Know About Time - Nautilus
https://nautil.us/forget-everything-you-think-you-know-about-time-237182/ Forget Everything You Think You Know About Time

(图片来源网络- Ai)
第222 期Λ-Reading主题:纵享那奢侈的湮没之境


🧨 假期订阅优惠中,别错过了!

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In my way of thinking, radical agency is about finding real edges: things you are willing to do that others aren’t, often because they’re annoying or unpleasant. These don’t always surface in awareness to the point one is actually choosing -- often they live in a cloud of aversion that strategically obscures the tradeoff. 在我看来,激进的能动性在于寻找真正的优势:你愿意做而其他人不愿意做的事情,通常是因为它们令人厌烦或不愉快。这些并不总是浮现在意识中,以至于人们实际上是在选择——通常它们存在于策略性地掩盖权衡利弊的厌恶情绪的云雾中。

(1) How to be More Agentic - by Cate Hall - Useful Fictions
https://usefulfictions.substack.com/p/how-to-be-more-agentic How to be More Agentic
We live in a mega-scale corporate capitalist economy, and in such a setting technology is never used to save time. It’s used to speed up production and consumption in order to expand the system. The basic rule is this: technology doesn't make our lives easier. 我们生活在一个大型企业资本主义经济体中,在这种环境下,技术永远不会被用来节省时间。它被用来加速生产和消费,以便扩大系统。基本规则是:技术不会让我们的生活更轻松。 It makes them faster and more crammed with stuff. 它让我们的生活变得更快,塞满了更多的东西。

Tech doesn’t make our lives easier. It makes them faster
https://brettscott.substack.com/p/tech-doesnt-make-our-lives-easier?utm_source=DenseDiscovery-262 Tech doesn’t make our lives easier. It makes them faster
The study, though small, offers a counter to the myths that people who become poor get that way because they’re bad at rational decision-making and self-control, and are thus intrinsically to blame for their situation, and that people getting free money will blow it on frivolous things or addictive substances. Studies have consistently shown that cash transfers don’t increase the consumption of “temptation goods”; they either decrease it or have no effect on it. 这项研究虽然规模不大,但为以下神话提供了反驳:变得贫穷的人之所以会这样,是因为他们不善于做

Is giving out free money the best way to help homeless people? - Vox
https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/21528569/homeless-poverty-cash-transfer-canada-new-leaf-project A Canadian study gave $7,500 to homeless people. Here’s how they spent it.
第221 期Λ-Reading主题:砍向我们内心冰封大海的斧头


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