In my way of thinking, radical agency is about finding real edges: things you are willing to do that others aren’t, often because they’re annoying or unpleasant. These don’t always surface in awareness to the point one is actually choosing -- often they live in a cloud of aversion that strategically obscures the tradeoff. 在我看来,激进的能动性在于寻找真正的优势:你愿意做而其他人不愿意做的事情,通常是因为它们令人厌烦或不愉快。这些并不总是浮现在意识中,以至于人们实际上是在选择——通常它们存在于策略性地掩盖权衡利弊的厌恶情绪的云雾中。

(1) How to be More Agentic - by Cate Hall - Useful Fictions How to be More Agentic